
Friday, May 31, 2013

Round Table conference on Cell Tower radiation in Delhi on 28th May 2013

Neha Kumar: Round Table conference in Delhi on 28th May 2013: Based on the Round Table conference in Delhi on 28th May 2013, following coverage appeared in Rajasthan Patrika - Jaipur 29-05-013 Page 12 ...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Saturday, April 6, 2013

40 People affected due to cell tower radiation in Kanpur

In Kanpur, it was reported that 40 people are suffering from high cell tower radiation and 10 people died due to brain tumor. The link is:

If there is a cell tower near your house/office and if you are having health problem, please send me an email at

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Reply to Comments on Prof Girish Kumar's Presentation on Cell Tower Radiation by ASSOCHAM

I had attended Round Table Conference on EMF Radiation at Delhi on March 27, 2012 which was chaired by Mr Kapil Sibal, DOT Minister. ASSOCHAM people had submitted comments on my presentation on "Cell Tower Radiation Hazard" at the Round Table Conference. My reply to those comments is uploaded at the following link

Please find time to go through it and see the last page of my final recommendations for safe radiation norms. 

Please share it with all your known people to create awareness.